News, Tips and General Knowledge

How our Rockape pack walked across the state of...
The Amazing Encounter at Gas station led to our Rockape pack going across the state of Texas to raise money for Gulf War illness.
How our Rockape pack walked across the state of...
The Amazing Encounter at Gas station led to our Rockape pack going across the state of Texas to raise money for Gulf War illness.
Survial Tip #1 - 2023
When you are in the great outdoors and figure out you are lost. The first thing you need to do is stop moving. Its why we recommend you carry a...
Survial Tip #1 - 2023
When you are in the great outdoors and figure out you are lost. The first thing you need to do is stop moving. Its why we recommend you carry a...

Mississippi Tornadoes
Helping Mississippi recover with donations and how Grindstone ministries is helping.
Mississippi Tornadoes
Helping Mississippi recover with donations and how Grindstone ministries is helping.

Survival Tip #2 - Redundancy
Redunancy is important for all those critical survival needs. Redunancy is just a fancy word for back up. Water and Fire are good examples of areas you need to have...
Survival Tip #2 - Redundancy
Redunancy is important for all those critical survival needs. Redunancy is just a fancy word for back up. Water and Fire are good examples of areas you need to have...

What is a Firebiner? ...
The Firebiner is a great new product we picked up from our friends at Outdoor Element. We were lucky enough to meet Outdoor Element at Outdoor Retailer in 2021. Carabiners...
What is a Firebiner? ...
The Firebiner is a great new product we picked up from our friends at Outdoor Element. We were lucky enough to meet Outdoor Element at Outdoor Retailer in 2021. Carabiners...